Saturday, 21 June 2008

Thar she blows!

That's what whalers used to shout hundred of years ago when they were looking for the plume of spray whales exhale when they surface to breathe. Whaling season is on when the whales migrate each year from May to August from the freezing waters of the Antarctic to their breeding grounds of the Whitsundays.

Today we took out a Whale watching cruise. This 4 hour trips takes you out of Sydney Harbour and into the open ocean to look for Whales. Based on various reported sightings they usually have a 100% success in finding a couple of whales. So indeed we came across a couple of Humpback Whales. Of course they don't really sit still for a picture, but we did manage to grab some.




Monday, 16 June 2008


Winter is setting in in Sydney, and it does get really cold (about 17° C) so it was time to make a big pot of Dutch Pea soup (erwtensoep), including smoked sausage (rookworst).