Saturday 18 June 2011

New Car

Since we use our 4WD quite a lot for our trips we thought we’d look at swapping it for something newer. After a lot of reading and a tour of the car dealerships we decided on something quite different. The 2011 Toyota FJ Cruiser. The FJ Cruiser is a retro-style 4WD produced by Toyota and features styling reminiscent of the original Toyota FJ40 Land Cruisers from the 1960s.

After some test driving, deciding on the colour and options all there was left to do was negotiate a really good deal.

Since the model is only just for sale in Australia, the car still needs to be built and the Tsunami in Japan has delayed production. We are currently expecting it to arrive in September/October. The Patrol has since then been sold, so for the next few months we are without wheels.

The yellow one is the dealers demonstration model




This is the colour we ordered, Titanium with a white roof.

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